HNL Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Honduran Lempira

Exchange Rates Table
HNL HNL 1USD USD 0.03974
HNL HNL 1EUR EUR 0.03662
HNL HNL 1JPY JPY 5.95582
HNL HNL 1GBP GBP 0.03061
HNL HNL 1AUD AUD 0.05952
HNL HNL 1CAD CAD 0.05478
HNL HNL 1CHF CHF 0.03439
HNL HNL 1CNY CNY 0.28321
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1HNL HNL 25.16178
EUR EUR 1HNL HNL 27.30376
JPY JPY 1HNL HNL 0.16790
GBP GBP 1HNL HNL 32.67064
AUD AUD 1HNL HNL 16.80185
CAD CAD 1HNL HNL 18.25321
CHF CHF 1HNL HNL 29.08070
CNY CNY 1HNL HNL 3.53097

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