Weather Forecast, Currency Exchange & World Time

Weather, Currency & Time

We provide weather forecasts, currency exchange rates and world time for everyone in a delightfully clear and friendly manner.

We also offer free APIs for you to easily integrate our weather forecasts, currency exchange rates and world time to your application and website.

New York
Tuesday, Oct 15
Mostly sunny
14°C   5°C
57°F   41°F

Weather Forecast

With our weather forecast, you can easily tell if it's rain or shine with a single glance. We also do not overwhelm you with any excessive data.

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Currency Exchange Rates

We provide you with reliable currency exchange rates for over 150 currencies in the world.

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USD Exchange Rates
USD USD 1EUR EUR 0.91650
USD USD 1JPY JPY 149.07703
USD USD 1GBP GBP 0.76395

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In daylight savings

World Time

You can easily know the local times in over 230 countries across the world.

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